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Causal Representation Learning
Tutorial at the 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2025)

February 26, 2025 (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM)

Tutorial's Motivation


Machine learning (ML) has proliferated the progress in learning informative representations for high-dimensional data. While effective for learning the statistical associations (e.g., correlation) in data, ML cannot learn the intricate causal interactions across data coordinates. Causal inference transcends learning statistical associations and enables cause-effect reasoning. Such reasoning is often facilitated via external interventions (experiments).  â€‹In several fast-growing fields (e.g., robotics) the causal variables are often inaccessible and lie in an unobservable latent space. The emerging field of causal representation learning (CRL) aims to learn the latent causal structures by integrating representation. CRL, subsequently, facilitates causal reasoning, intervention, and planning. This tutorial will provide a thorough overview of the recent advances in CRL.


Tutorial's Outline


In this tutorial, we will explore the latest advancements in the emerging field of causal representation learning (CRL). We will begin by introducing the foundational concepts and motivations behind combining representation learning with causal inference. Following a brief history of CRL, we will describe its primary objectives and the theoretical challenges. We will then review the key approaches developed to address these challenges, including CRL with multi-view observations, CRL with interventions on latent variables, and CRL applied to temporal data. Additionally, we will highlight real-world application opportunities, discuss the challenges in scaling CRL to practical use cases, and discuss open questions for CRL related to both theoretical and empirical viewpoints.




The half-day tutorial will be structured as follows with presenters denoted by their initials.


Part 1:  Introduction and Background

  • Representation learning and causality

  • Background on causal inference and discovery

  • Toward CRL: Problem formulation and objectives

  • Identifiability question

  • Independent component analysis (ICA) and disentangled representation learning

  • Overview of data modalities

  • Taxonomy of CRL approaches


Part 2: Multi-view CRL

  • Overview of multi-view data settings

  • CRL from paired data

  • CRL under partial observability

  • Identifiability results and algorithms


Part 3: Interventional CRL

  • Interventional environments

  • CRL under parametric assumptions

  • Nonparametric CRL and score-based approach

  • Multi-node interventional CRL

  • Multi-domain CRL

  • Finite-sample analysis


Part 4: Temporal CRL

  • Overview of data generation settings

  • Temporal CRL with temporal causal effects

  • Temporal CRL with instantaneous causal effects


Part 5: Applications and Future Directions

  • Genomics and biomedical applications

  • Environment extrapolation

  • Visual representation learning

  • ​​Challenges for scalability and generalization





Burak Varıcı ( is a postdoctoral researcher in the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Varıcı received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 2023. His research focuses on the theoretical foundations of the intersection of causality and machine learning, focusing on leveraging shared causal mechanisms via interventions. This includes causal representation learning and in general, identifiable representation learning. He is the recipient of several awards and fellowships, including Rensselaer’s Belsky Award for Computational Sciences and Engineering in 2021, and the IBM-AIRC PhD Fellowship (2020-2024) to support his doctoral research.


Karthikeyan Shanmugam (karthikeyanvs@google.comis currently a Research Scientist at Google DeepMind India (Bengaluru) in the Machine Learning and Optimization Team since April 2022. Previously, he was a Research Staff Member and a Herman Goldstine Postdoctoral Fellow at IBM Research, NY for the period 2016-2022. He obtained his Ph.D. from UT Austin in 2016, M.S. degree from USC, B. Tech and M. Tech Degrees from IIT Madras in 2010, all in Electrical Engineering. He is a recipient of the IBM Corporate Technical Award in 2021 for his work on Trustworthy AI. He regularly serves on the (Senior) Program Committee of AI conferences such as NeurIPS, ICML, and AAAI. His primary research focus is Machine Learning and Information Theory. Specifically, his research interests are in causal inference, online learning, and foundation models.

Emre Acartürk ( is a Ph.D. student in Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute since August 2022. He received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from Bilkent University, Turkey, in 2022. His research interests include causality, machine learning and optimization.


Ali Tajer ( received an M.A. degree in Statistics and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University. During 2010-2012 he was with Princeton University as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. He is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His research interests include mathematical statistics, machine learning, and information theory. He is currently serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and a Senior Area Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. He has received the Jury Award (Columbia University), School of Engineering Research Excellence Award (Rensselaer), School of Engineering Classroom Excellence Award (Rensselaer), James M. Tien '66 Early Career Award for Faculty (Rensselaer), and a CAREER award from the U.S. National Science Foundation.

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