Ali Tajer
Associate Professor
Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
(518) 276-8237
6040 Jonsson Engineering Center, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180
[J64] | B. Varıcı, E. Acartürk, K. Shanmugam, and A. Tajer. Score-based Causal Representation Learning from Interventions. |
[J63] | A. Chaudhuri, G. Fellouris, and A. Tajer. Round Robin Active Sequential Change Detection for Dependent Multi-Channel Data. |
[J62] | A. Dwivedi, S. Paternain, A. Tajer. Blackout Mitigation via Physics-guided RL. |
[J61] | P. N. Karthik, V. Y. F. Tan, A. Mukherjee, and A. Tajer. Optimal Best Restless Markov Arm Identification with Fixed Confidence. |
[J60] | A. Mukherjee and A. Tajer. Efficient Best Arm Identification in Stochastic Bandits: Beyond β−optimality. |
[J59] | Z. Yan, B. Varıcı, A. Mukherjee, and A. Tajer. Robust Causal Bandits for Linear Models, Journal of Selected Areas in Information Theory, 5:78 – 93, March 2024. |
[J58] | A. Dwivedi and A. Tajer. GRNN-based real-time fault chain prediction. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 39(1):934–946, January 2024. |
[J57] | B. Varıcı, D. Katz-Rogozhnikov, A. Tajer, D. Wei, and P. Sattigeri. Separability Analysis for Causal Discovery in Mixture of DAGs, Transactions on Machine Learning Research, October 2023. |
[J56] | B. Varıcı, K. Shanmugam, P. Sattigeri, and A. Tajer. Causal Bandits for Linear Structural Equation Models. Journal of Machine Learning Research, September 2023. |
[J55] | A. Mukherjee and A. Tajer. SPRT-based Efficient Best Arm Identification in Stochastic Bandits. Journal of Selected Areas in Information Theory, 4:128 – 143, June 2023. |
[J54] | S. Sihag and A. Tajer. Estimating structurally similar graphical models. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 69(2):1093–1124, Februrary 2023 |
[J53] | M. Zohdy, A. Tajer, and S. Shamai (Shitz). Broadcast Approach to Uplink NOMA: Queuing Delay Analysis. Entropy, 24(12), November 2022. |
[J52] | A. Mukherjee, A. Tajer, P.-Y. Chen, and P. Das. Active sampling of multiple sources for sequential estimation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 70:4571–4585, 2022. |
[J51] | S. Sihag, A. Tajer, and U. Mitra. Adaptive graph-constrained group testing. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 70:381 – 396, 2022. |
[J50] | A. Tajer, J. Heydari, and H. V. Poor. Active sampling for the quickest detection of Markov networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 68(4):2479–2508, April 2022. |
[J49] | A. Dwivedi, S. Wang, and A. Tajer. Linear Discriminant Analysis under f -divergence Measures. Entropy, 24(2), 2022. |
[J48] | A. Dwivedi and A. Tajer. Scalable Quickest Line Outage Detection and Localization Via Graph Spectral Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 37(1):590–602, January 2022. |
[J47] | A. Tajer, A. Steiner, and S. Shamai (Shitz). The broadcast approach in communication networks. Entropy, 23(1):1–137, January 2021. |
[J46] | M. Zohdy, A. Tajer, and S. Shamai (Shitz). Distributed Interference Management: A Broadcast Approach. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 69(1):149 – 163, January 2021. |
[J45] | S. Sihag and A. Tajer, Secure estimation under causative attacks, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 66(8):5145 – 5166, August 2020. |
[J44] | M. Zohdy, A. Tajer, and S. Shamai (Shitz). Broadcast Approach to Multiple Access with Local CSIT. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67(11):7483–7498, November 2019. |
[J43] | T. Allen, A. Tajer, and N. Al-Dhahir. Secure Alamouti multiple access channel transmissions with multi-antenna eavesdroppers. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 8(5):1510–1513, October 2019. |
[J42] | S. Sihag and A. Tajer. Optimal network parameter estimation: Single-shot exchange of local decisions. IEEE Signal Processing Letter, 26(9):1280–1284, September 2019 |
[J41] | A. Tajer, S. Sihag, and K. Alnajjar. Non-linear State Recovery in Power System under Random and Structured Attacks. Springer Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 7:1–10, July 2019 |
[J40] | M. Zohdy and A. Tajer, Broadcast Approach for the Single-user Energy Harvesting Channel, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67(5), pp. 3192 – 3204, May 2019. |
[J39] | J. Heydari and A. Tajer, Quickest Search and Learning over Multiple Sequences, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67(3), pp. 638-65, March 2019. |
[J38] | A. Tajer, False Data Injection Attacks on Electricity Markets by Limited Adversaries: Stochastic Robustness, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10(1), pp. 128-138, January 2019. |
[J37] | A. Tajer and M. Zohdy, Resource Allocation in Communication Systems under Sequential Resource Access, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 66(11), pp. 5608-5620, November 2018. |
[J36] | M. R. Mengis and A. Tajer, Data Injection Attacks on Electricity Markets by Limited Adversaries: Worst-case Robustness, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9(6), pp. 5710 - 5720, November 2018. |
[J35] | S. Sihag and A. Tajer, Power System State Estimation under Model Uncertainty, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 12(4), pp. 593-606, August 2018. |
[J34] | S. Kazemi and A. Tajer, Multiaccess Communication via a Broadcast Approach Adapted to the Multiuser Channel, IEEE Transactions on Communication, 66(8), pp. 3341 - 3353, August 2018. |
[J33] | J. Heydari and A. Tajer, Quickest Localization of Anomalies in Power Grids: A Stochastic Graphical Approach, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9(5), pp. 4679 - 4688, August 2018. |
[J32] | A. Tajer, Load Forecasting via Diversified State Prediction in Multi-Area Power Networks, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 8 (6), pp. 2675-2684, November 2017. |
[J31] | J. Heydari and A. Tajer, Quickest Search for Local Structures in Random Graphs, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks -- Special Issue on Graph Signal Processing, 3(3), pp. 528-538, September 2017. |
[J30] | T. Allen, A. Tajer, and N. Al-Dhahir, Secure Alamouti MAC Transmissions, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, 16(6), pp. 3674-3687, June 2017. |
[J29] | I. S. Bayram and A. Tajer, Exploiting PEV Batteries for V2X Applications, IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter, May 2017 |
[J28] | I. S. Bayram, A. Tajer, M. Abdallah, K. Qaraqe, A Stochastic Sizing Approach for Sharing-based Energy Storage Applications, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 8(3), pp. 1075-1084, May 2017. |
[J27] | H. Godrich, A. Nehorai, A. Tajer, M. Sabrina Greco, and C. Zhang, Special Article Series on Signal Processing Education via Hands-on and Design Projects, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 34(1), pp. 13-15, January 2017. |
[J26] | J. Heydari, A. Tajer, and H. V. Poor, Quickest Linear Search over Correlated Sequences, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 62 (10), pp. 5786-5808, October 2016. |
[J25] | M. Ashraphijou, A. Tajer, C. Gong, and X. Wang, A Receiver-centric Approach to Interference Management: Fairness and Outage Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 62 (10), pp. 5619-5642, October 2016. |
[J24] | A. Tajer, I. Dobson, S. Kar, J. Lavaei, and L. Xie, Theory of Complex Systems with Applications to Smart Grid Operations", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 7 (4), pp 1949-1950, July 2016. |
[J23] | A. Tajer and J. Heydari, Quickest Wideband Spectrum Sensing over Correlated Channels, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 63 (9), pp. 3082-3091, September 2015. |
[J22] | I. S. Bayram, A. Tajer, M. Abdallah, K. Qaraqe, Capacity Planning Frameworks for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations with Multiclass Customers, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 16 (4), pp 1934-1943, July 2015. |
[J21] | A. Tajer, V. V. Veeravalli, and H. V. Poor, Outlying Sequence Detection in Large Datasets - A Data-Drive Approach, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine - Special Issue on Signal Processing for Big Data, 30 (5), pp. 44-56, September 2014. |
[J20] | W. Xu, A. Tajer, and X. Wang, Power Allocation in MISO Interference Channels with Stochastic CSIT, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 13 (7), pp. 1716-1727, March 2014. |
[J19] | C. Gong, X. Wang, and A. Tajer, Distributed Real-time Energy Scheduling in SmartGrid: Stochastic Model and Fast Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids, 4 (3), pp. 1476-1489, September 2013. |
[J18] | A. Tajer and H. V. Poor, Quick Search for Rare Events, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 59 (7), pp. 4462-4481, July 2013. |
[J17] | G. H. Jajamovich, A. Tajer, and X.Wang, Minimax-Optimal Hypothesis Testing with Estimation-dependent Costs, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 60 (12), pp. 6151-6165, December 2012. |
[J16] | S. Cui, Z. Han, S. Kar, T. Kim, H. V. Poor, and A. Tajer, Coordinated Data Injection Attack and Detection in Smart Grid, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 29 (5), pp. 106-115, September 2012. |
[J15] | A. Tajer, R. Castro, and X. Wang, Adaptive Sensing of Congested Spectrum Bands, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 58 (9), pp. 6110-6125, September 2012. |
[J14] | C. Gong, A. Tajer, and X. Wang, Group Decoding for Multi-Relay Assisted Interference Channel, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, 30 (8), pp. 1489-1499, August 2012. |
[J13] | A. Tajer and X. Wang, (n;K )-user Interference Channel: Degrees of Freedom, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 58 (8),pp. 5338-5353, August 2012. |
[J12] | G. V. Moustakides, G. H. Jajamovich, A. Tajer, and X. Wang, Joint Detection and Estimation: Optimum Tests and Applications, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 58 (7), pp. 4215-4229, July 2012. |
[J11] | C. Gong, O. Abu-Ella, A. Tajer, and X. Wang, Constrained Group Decoder for Interference Channels, Journal of Communications, Special Issue on Future Directions in Computing and Networking, 7 (5), pp. 382-390, May 2012. |
[J10] | Z. Wang, A. Tajer, and X. Wang, Communication of Energy Harvesting Tags, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 60(4), pp. 1159-1166, April 2012. |
[J9] | C. Gong, A. Tajer, and X. Wang, Interference Channel with Constrained Partial Group Decoding, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 59 (11), pp. 3059-3071, November 2011. |
[J8] | A. Tajer, A. Nosratinia, and N. Aldhahir, Diversity Order of In Finite-Length Symbol-by-Symbol Linear Equalization, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 59 (6), pp. 1706-1710, September 2011. |
[J7] | A. Tajer and X. Wang, Information Exchange Limits in Multi-cell MIMO Cooperative Networks, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59 (6), pp. 2927-2942, June 2011. |
[J6] | A. Tajer, N. Prasad, and X. Wang, Robust Linear Precoder Design for Multi-cell Downlink Transmission, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59 (1), pp. 235-251, January 2011. |
[J5] | A. Tajer and X. Wang, Multiuser Diversity Gain in Cognitive Networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 18 (6), pp. 1766-1779, December 2010. |
[J4] | A. Tajer and A. Nosratinia, Diversity Order in ISI Channels with Single-Carrier Frequency-Domain Equalizers, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 9 (3), pp. 1022-1032, March 2010. |
[J3] | A. Tajer, G. H. Jajamovich, X. Wang, and G. V. Moustakides, Optimal Joint Target Detection and Parameter Estimation By MIMO Radar, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 4 (1), pp. 127-145, February 2010. |
[J2] | A. Tajer, N. Prasad, and X. Wang, Beamforming and Rate Allocation in MISO Cognitive Radio Networks, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 58 (1), pp. 362-377, January 2010. |
[J1] | A. Tajer and X. Wang, Beacon-Assisted Spectrum Access with Cooperative Cognitive Transmitter and Receiver, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 9 (1), pp. 112-126, January 2010. |